Friday, May 12, 2017

5 days in

Well I am 5 days into my first chemo treatment. Does your body feel weird, Yup. Can you feel your cells being pulled in every direction, Yup. It is the weirdest feeling ever. But I know there is an army of soldiers now in my body fighting this disease.
The Side Effects I been feeling so far: Tried as hell ... Nauseous ... & Diarrhea (If you do not want to know the truth of chemo dont read a blog written by someone who is enduring it). Learning to sleep and rest is a new adventure to me. As I hate feeling like a bum, I always been hard working. and not eating cause everything tastes like cardboard, metallic, or gravy. 
Everyone wishes they can help, which I am beyond grateful for. But alot of this I have to fight on my own. There is no switch to turn on and off on days that I am busy to feel "good" and feel bad when it is convenient. Heck that is just how life is. 
My Dad has been feeling bad cause I got sick and he retired. But I look at it this way if I can get through this first year of owning DQ on top of battling this disease I think that will entitle me to some super powers! What doesnt kill me only makes me stronger is only way I am looking at this right now. 
My last chemo treatment will be August 21st, 2017 and I will have the effects in my system for a while after that. So the new healthy Jenn will debut right around Septemeber-ish and hopefully some curly, thick hair to go with the attitude!

Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Its here

Well I tried for this weekend to not fly by and already we are at Saturday night. *Deep Breath* 
Well since my last post I have done all my tests and received the results which showed the cancer has spread to my lymphodes in my arm pit. 
I am officially diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage IIIa  with HER2+
I am asked "How are you often" My response always seems the same "Fine. OK, Tired" 
I never want to freak anyone out and say what I want to say cause I know they are being kind and supportive. I also know alot do not know what to say. I know when I had friends or family going through stuff like this it was always hard to find words. But I always let them know I was here and was loving them and would always provide them with something if it was within my power. So I know alot of people in my life are the same way now with my diagnose. 
But I can say I am scared out of my mind! 
I hate being sick ... drives me crazy ... I have a business I want to run and work at while it is season.
But I already feel the weight of the disease and I need to learn to balance my work and sleep better. 
Almost like when I became a mother and mom told me to nap when the baby napped. Now I need to sleep when I am not working that way I can use my energy for DQ and have a successful season before you know it winter is here. 

So 36 more hours and I start Chemo. 4 different drugs: T, C, H, P .. They stand for: 
T - Taxotere (docetaxel) 
C - Carboplatin
H - Herceptin (trastuzumab)
P - Pertuzumab (Perjeta)

Out of all the side effects I am worried about vomiting the most. Hair loss of course I dont want it. Yeah its only hair but if i hear that anymore I am handing the next jerkface the razor and telling them to shave their heads! 

The Bills are starting to add up and it makes my jaw drop but my life is worth every single penny needed to make me healthy again. I am ready to fight every second of every day. 
To everyone praying for me, thinking of me, sending me sweet gifts and flowers. THANK YOU! 
I been asked many times for my address which it is just easier to send to DQ cause someone is always there to accept the package. 
Northbrook DQ 2770 Dundee Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062