The Side Effects I been feeling so far: Tried as hell ... Nauseous ... & Diarrhea (If you do not want to know the truth of chemo dont read a blog written by someone who is enduring it). Learning to sleep and rest is a new adventure to me. As I hate feeling like a bum, I always been hard working. and not eating cause everything tastes like cardboard, metallic, or gravy.
Everyone wishes they can help, which I am beyond grateful for. But alot of this I have to fight on my own. There is no switch to turn on and off on days that I am busy to feel "good" and feel bad when it is convenient. Heck that is just how life is.
My Dad has been feeling bad cause I got sick and he retired. But I look at it this way if I can get through this first year of owning DQ on top of battling this disease I think that will entitle me to some super powers! What doesnt kill me only makes me stronger is only way I am looking at this right now.
My last chemo treatment will be August 21st, 2017 and I will have the effects in my system for a while after that. So the new healthy Jenn will debut right around Septemeber-ish and hopefully some curly, thick hair to go with the attitude!
Stay tuned for more!